Have You Have Been Hit by a Commercial TruckHave You Have Been Hit by a Commercial Truck

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Have You Have Been Hit by a Commercial Truck? What Should You Do Now?

If you or a loved one has been seriously hurt in any type of commercial trucking accident, you (and your family) are becoming painfully aware of the damage, physical injury, and the suffering that comes from such a catastrophe. In addition to the challenges of recovery, you’re also confronted with huge medical bills and likely a great deal of physical pain and suffering. More on this Web-Page
If you’ve been seriously hurt, those injuries could prevent you from working a long time: that means lost wages and a very difficult time paying even your regular bills; much less for treatment of your injuries. And you’re having a hard time taking care of your family if you’re a breadwinner. This whole experience is taking its toll on you and your family. Your thoughts and energies become even more overwhelmed at wondering if you can and be reimbursed for your tragic misfortune that began when this large truck started this awful chain of events; it began because someone was negligent and all of this fell on you.

A lot of big rigs use our highways and streets. And though most of them are driven properly and are safe to share the road with, that’s not universally the case. What happens when one of those bad apples hits you? Maybe the driver doesn’t belong behind the wheel. Maybe the rig is unsafe for our roads. Or it’s possible the load the semi-truck is transporting isn’t safe. Or maybe it’s carrying hazardous cargo and is in an area where it doesn’t belong. It’s no wonder you feel a bit uneasy when an 18-wheeler appears dangerously close in your rearview mirror. Trucking accidents, injuries and even deaths are inevitable when 18-wheelers are on the road. But that’s a fact of life when driving on Texas roads. It’s the wrecks where someone’s negligence causes tremendous injuries and damage to innocent drivers that make you feel angry and helpless right now. More about our Austin Truck Accident Lawyer here

If you have been injured in a big trucking accident or if a loved one was injured or killed in one, a trucking accident attorney with our Law Firm stands ready to help you. For decades we have won many fair insurance settlements for our clients and successfully litigated hundreds of trucking accident injury cases on behalf of the victims and their families. We know that right now you’re in pain, dealing with a lot of stress and struggling to hold up under the additional financial weight you must bear after being involved in one of these horrible wrecks.

We’ll be honest with you. These challenges you face in your quest to seek just compensation for your injuries can be just as arduous as the injuries, pain, and stress caused by the accident themselves. Powerful forces began working together against you while you were still in surgery and moved into second and third gear while you were recovering. Isn’t it clear that you need help to fight for your rights?. This is why our Law Firm feels it is so important for you to know all of your legal avenues so that you can take the right action to win just and fair restitution for your injuries, pain, and suffering, lost income and other legal damages.

Our Law Firm has decades of successful skill in handling personal injury litigation in 18-wheeler accident claims and cases. If you’ve been seriously injured, or a family member has been killed by one of these trucks, our expertise assures that you receive the fairest compensation possible for the injuries and pain you have suffered, or the wrongful death of your loved one. We’ve helped deliver millions of dollars to hundreds of accident victims in Texas. Our experienced accident lawyers can help you win the best compensation possible for you.

Call us today at 1(800) 862-1260 (toll-free) for a free consultation to continue your road to total recovery and resume your life. You’re already been victimized once. Don’t let it happen a second time because you waited too long to do the right thing about it.

More of our Truck Accident Blogs here!


When is the Right Time to Pursue a Texas Wrongful Death Lawsuit?When is the Right Time to Pursue a Texas Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

When is the Right Time to Pursue a Texas Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

The merit of pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit can be quite difficult for the bereaved family to determine. A legitimate wrongful death lawsuit is based on four elements. These elements are:wrongful death attorneys

The loved one was killed by the action or inaction of a liable party or parties.
The negligent action of the liable parties caused the fatal accident.
The decedent has surviving family members or beneficiaries that can seek wrongful death or survival damages.
Some type of financial loss has been incurred by the decedent or the surviving family members as a result of the accident.
If any of these elements are missing, a wrongful death lawsuit cannot be pursued. Should you be unsure of your situation in regard to these qualifications, you should contact our Texas wrongful death attorneys for a free consultation.

It is also important to know that you can seek a wrongful death lawsuit against a liable party even if that party is may be facing criminal charges related to the accident. In other words, if a driver becomes distracted and runs into a pedestrian that causes the pedestrian to die, the driver would most likely not face criminal charges. However, the pedestrian’s family could initiate a wrongful death lawsuit against the driver for his negligent actions that led to the pedestrian’s death. Alternatively, if the driver was drunk at the time of the accident, then it is highly likely that criminal charges would be filed.personal injury law - wrongful death

In this situation, the decedent’s family could file a wrongful death lawsuit. In other instances when criminal charges are not filed against the liable party, a wrongful death civil suit is the only way to hold the liable party accountable for his negligent actions.

Pest Control – Successful Methods of Termite TreatmentPest Control – Successful Methods of Termite Treatment

Successful Methods of Termite Control

We suggest understanding a bit more about termite biology before reading further into this section. An understanding of how termites function, and why they are infesting your home will give you a better idea of how to prevent termite damage in the future. termite control - termite treatment

Controlling Termite Damage

Termite control won’t be effective if you don’t keep an eye out for signs of termite damage, no matter how many other precautions you take. Even if you have a qualified exterminator providing termite barrier treatments, termiticide applications, and baits, you still need to perform regular inspections yourself to be sure your home is safe from termite damage: find out how, right here

Now that you’ve got your eyes set on eradicating your termite problems, you need to find out what to do next. The first step is to identify what kind of termites you have: for a quick reference to the different kinds of termites frequent in the United States, visit our section on termite identification here. If you’ve already read through this section, and have identified the invading termites, carry on in your studies.

More than 90% of termite infestation problems in homes originate in areas where wood meets the soil. There is no barrier to termite penetration in these areas; any foraging termite that finds its way to a 2×4 can easily begin working its way into your home—and letting the other termites in its colony know where to go. Learn more about wood to ground termite home maintenance.

Termites may often enter through minuscule cracks in the foundation of your home. A termite can squeeze through any crack more than 1/64 th of an inch wide. Quite often, as your home settles, hairline cracks form that are often not visible to the unconcerned eye during a termite inspection; yet still, these cracks allow termites entry into the timbers of your home. To find out more about foundation termite treatments,

I’ll Huff, and I’ll Puff, and I’ll…

Chew your house down: treating foundations for effective termite control Part II

In the previous section, we talked about how slab foundations can be treated with permethrin (synthetic pyrethroid) gel to restore the preservation of termite control. In this article, we’ll talk about foundations with walls, crawlspaces, and houses built directly on the ground (well, we’ll mention those, but most of them will have fallen down by the time you finish reading this sentence). Click here for more information about securing the foundation of your home from termite damage.

The words “family” and “home” are almost interchangeable. Similarly, choosing the right exterminator is a lot like choosing the right doctor. You trust your doctor with your family’s life; you trust the security and safety of your family’s home to your exterminator. The process of selecting a qualified, responsible, and caring exterminator from the dozens of people who claim to be exterminators is not something that should be taken lightly. There are certain things to look for in an exterminator that can make this search a little easier for the responsible parent and homeowner.